Our shiitake mushrooms are grown on synthetic Ozark Oak sawdust logs in our specially designed alloy aluminum mushroom house under tight operational and environmental controls.
Prices are negotiable for orders of more than 100 lbs for each delivery.
All local whole-sale orders are packed in 5 lb cardboard mushroom trays and delivered directly to our customers in air-conditioned vehicles.
Availability is limited especially on large and extra large caps.
Shiitake mushrooms are considered a health food with low caloric content, high vegetable protein, iron, fiber, minerals and vitamins.
CCD Shiitake Mushrooms
Our shiitake mushrooms excellent in quality and available in sizes of extra large (4.5" or larger), large (3.5" to 4.5"), midium (2.5" to 3.5") and small (2" to 2.5") caps.
They have a wonderful flavor with a garlic type bite with thick, meaty caps.